Upcoming Festivals

New York International Childrens
Film Festival

It is the largest children’s film festival in the country and it would be great to be chosen to run in it!

Submission deadline is:

Dec 1st, 2022 | Notification date is: Feb 24th, 2023 | Run dates are: March 3rd -March 19th.

We will be revising the ‘Pilot’ for this submission with the hope that the revision gives it its best chance of being picked up.
Following that submission, we will be re-submitting to the: Cleveland International Film Festival (CIFF) Playhouse Square!

Submission deadline is:

Dec 30th | Notification date is: Feb 24th, 2023 | Run dates are: march 22nd -April 1st.

Our revisions hopefully will go a long way toward making us eligible for a ‘run’ in this festival also.
A hometown ‘opener’ would be amazing!!